Thus the Senate unanimously passed a resolution condemning the bombardment of Israel in Gaza and other parts of the world. According to Radio Pakistan, the resolution brought in by Sherry Rehman expressed grave concern over the systematic impunity that Israel exercised in its actions against Palestine. House also noted the usage of the political void in Syria, which Israel employed, to further its unilateral agenda not only regarding Palestine but also Syria and other countries.
The Senate condemned the murder of members of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency and criticized legislation by Israel that undermined the agency’s mandate affecting the availability of services for Palestinian refugees.
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Since the beginning of this onslaught, 44,612 nationals from Palestine have been martyred, and 105,834 wounded, including women and children. The Senate condemned the targeted killing of more than 180 journalists during the bombings conducted by Israel in Gaza and the destruction of vital infrastructure, with hospitals and schools among them.
The Upper House expressed unwavering and unending support to the Palestinian cause, acknowledging within itself a moral, political and legal obligation towards the same. It reiterated support for the two-state solutions as per resolutions of the UN Security Council and General Assembly. It called for the establishment of an independent state of Palestine with Quds al-Sharif as its capital.
The Senate called upon the international community to protect lives of Palestinians, ensure accountability on the part of Israel for its war crimes, and demand compliance to international humanitarian law. Further, it called into an end that culture of impunity to have peace, justice, and protection of human rights in Palestine and indeed the Middle East.