In order to address the severity of air pollution Government’s tendencies, such facilities have also been introduced in general and specific sectors within private corporations in Lahore, Gujranwala, Faisalabad, and Multan divisions of Punjab province. In this regard, appointing 50% of the workforce in the office and allowing work from home for the rest has been announced by Senior Minister Maryam Aurangzeb during a press conference held in Lahore.
Aims and Objectives
The overall intent of the said policy is to control the environmental degradation caused due to inter city movement of individuals and more importantly, idgnoirng the polluted smoky air that people inhale in the region. In such a way, the government seeks to reduce pollution in the avalanches of these regions by reducing the scope of daily travels and the number of employees present at a given time.
Punjab Government’s Approach
‘Senior Minister Aurangzeb’ projected it as an effective step to be undertaken since it is common sense that there will be appreciable pollution reduction with less number of trips taken per day. The government has also directed its departments to ensure that the work is not interrupted during the current measures by arranging for meetings of staff via webinars or calls, including Zoom and other means of communication.
Health Effects
The smog, worsened by the winds which blow the pollutants from the neighbouring countries, is always present and poses an outsized risk to the affected populations. It is almost as if these measures are temporary and just serve to reduce these threats. Aurangzeb noted that prioritizing intervention measures to the smog crisis in the health sector is fundamental, and the strategy of the government is in line with this concern.
Call to Action
All establishments have been called upon by the executive to work hand in hand and guarantee observance of the new regulations. It is anticipated that this combined effort will reduce the pressure on air quality and will play a large role in the preservation of public health. The policy not only deals with short term health objectives but also provides a framework on how regional governance can respond to environmental issues.
Also Read: Section 144 impose in Islamabad due to Air pollution
In conclusion
It is of utmost importance that the government of Punjab calls for a work from home policy as air pollution cases are on the rise. This dynamic policy advocates in cutting down on the number of unnecessary movements each day where possible as well as the process of engaging in the virtual world considering health concerns brought about by the extensive smog in the area.